On May 13th you are invited to join this year’s International Spring Reception in Vejle, where Anatolie Cantir will be speaker of the evening.

For this year's Spring Reception, we have invited Anatolie Cantir* to give a talk titled Danish Culture is an ‘Extreme’, based on his book of the same name.


Danish Culture is an 'Extreme'

Danish culture is a bit like sitting around a campfire.

This campfire could be anything from the daily tasks at work to the larger welfare state. The members around this fire warm themselves with feelings of (extreme) equality, trust, homogeneity, tolerance, informality, privacy, sarcasm, irony, and dark humor.

But what could all these mean to internationals who come to work in Denmark and want to join this circle?

Danish Culture is an ‘Extreme’ is a two-hour lecture, which paints a certain picture of the Danish mentality and its implicit expectations.

The lecture draws from existing sociocultural, anthropological, and historical work on Danes and Denmark.

It is a humorous, serious, and provocative lecture that battles through decoding known Danish values by finding out how they play out in real life - and, not least, what they could mean to international employees and… Danes.

The event includes dinner, Anatolie's talk and a Q&A with the author.

Free of charge (registration required) - held in English.

Spread the word, bring your neighbours, friends, partner, kids – everyone is welcome! 

We’ll meet at 17.00/5pm - feel free to stay as long as it suits you and your family.

Anatolie Cantir

*About Anatolie; 

Lecturer, Culturalist, Globetrotter & Speaker 

Anatolie has arrived in Denmark 20 years ago from native Moldova and made the town of Herning his home. His drive, curiosity and “obsession” about how other people think and live made him reflect a lot about the Danish culture and society. It has also motivated him to travel the world and think about his own international background while taking root in ‘little’ Denmark. 

Anatolie has held over 200 talks on Danish culture allover Denmark. He has initiated and has been part of a variety of international organizations and initiatives in Denmark with the goal to support internationals in Denmark.   

He has been teaching Intercultural Communication at Aarhus University and other universities in Denmark. Currently, he is a full-time associate professor at VIA University College.

He is Dutch married with wife Vimke. They have a son, Oliver, and newborn twin girls, Arya and Julia.

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