The NGO DareGender is offering men in the Vejle region the possibility to join a free men’s group.
A men’s group consists of eight men who meet during six weeks for close, confidential conversations. Each meeting is facilitated by DareGender’s trained facilitators, and focuses on a selected theme.
The outcome is that men get in closer contact with their emotions, and become better at listening to each other, plus they learn a lot about what goes on in other men’s lives; the challenges that other men experience and how they respond.
Participants are suggested to share thoughts and experiences that they would usually keep to themselves, and put words to their emotions. It’s perfectly fine to stay silent too.
DareGender’s men’s groups are open to all men regardless of age, background, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.
The group meets every Wednesday evening at 6-9pm (18-21) in a meeting room in central Vejle.
The meetings take place from April 30 (week 18) to June 4 (week 23).