If you want to learn Danish - now or at a later date - please read this information carefully.
If you are a foreign citizen, at least 18 years old and live in Denmark, you have the opportunity to sign up for free Danish language lessons (contact info below).
NOTE: There is a limitation to when the free offer ends. You will recieve a letter with the free offer - if you do not do anything, the offer automatically starts two months after you entered Denmark.
Whom to contact at the jobcenter (to sign up)
Anja Thomsen
Jobcenter Vejle
Havneparken 16C
7100 Vejle
phone: (+45) 21 66 79 97
mail: integration@vejle.dk
Contact information of the language school
Sprogcenter Vejle (Language Center Vejle)
Damhaven 13A
7100 Vejle
phone: (+45) 76 81 38 00
mail: sprogcentret@vejle.dk
Are you a foreign citizen and living in Denmark?
To sign up for Danish language lessons, please bring the following documents to Jobcenter Vejle:
- CPR number (the yellow card)
- Permission to stay in Denmark (EU residence document from the State Administration)
Are you a cross-border commuter working in Vejle Municipality?
To sign up for Danish language lessons, please bring the following documents to Jobcenter Vejle
- CPR number (the yellow card)
- Employment contract from employer in Vejle Municipality
Language classes
Sprogcenter Vejle (Language Center Vejle) offers a range of both day and evening classes with startup within three weeks. Contact the school for more information about your options.