Intvis, Belgien
Dæmningen 19A, 7100 Vejle (gavlen)
Værktitel: Don’t tell.
Lad være med at sige noget. Intvis leder efter barnet i os. Hvorfor leger vi ikke længere? Hvorfor er vi så alvorlige og konkurrencemindede? Hvorfor vil vi se og kontrollere alt? "Lad være med at sige noget" opbygger spænding mellem overvågningskameraerne og barnet, der leger gemmeleg.
Digt skrevet om værket:
Don’t tell
In every building, true,
in every person, believe me,
I hide.
Don’t tell ‘m I’m here.
I’m playing hide and seek
and being good at it.
If you look in the street as you do
don’t be surprised
not finding me.
I’m inside gaming rather,
eating crisps under your hide,
nibbling on your self-esteem.
If you look for me inside you
you might start feeling
the bruises and pain again,
the foul words of your father,
the destructivity of the teacher.
But you might help me cope.
If you look for me and you
happen to be an artist
on top of a caring parent,
they will call it mommy art
just to pull you down.
But now you’ve found me,
you win.